「書峰騰龍」 曦軒書道門生作品展
2024年09月07日- 09月26日
(週一、二、五 公休)
公車:小19,劍潭捷運站往內厝 (小19班表)
2024年09月07日- 09月26日
(週一、二、五 公休)
公車:小19,劍潭捷運站往內厝 (小19班表)
「曦軒」爲袁中平先生齋號,自開帳授徒以來,每年均爲學生設立書展,以玆鼓勵。本次書展先生命名爲「書峰騰龍」其意有三: 一、 書道之高,仰止如峰,書學之行,以字登峰,喻將書作,堆疊成峰,成就可高,譬如書峰。 二、書之精神,如龍跳天門,書之運筆,如飛躍龍騰,書之動靜,如首尾實虛。 三、欣逢龍年,曦軒書道甲辰班同學以 「書峰騰龍」 期許學習不綴、勇猛精進,成就書道高峰 。 本次展出作品內容由袁中平先生所授各代碑帖,由「曦軒書道班」海內外同學:王月明、米康華、汪聖露、陳月汀、袁安瑞、袁海瑞、陳韻如、陳麗如、莫石、張培幼、張睿倢、彭麗文、黃麗娜、楊素芳、葉雲禎、劉鴻志、蘭芷 (依姓名筆劃排序) 共同展出。作品包括篆、隸、真、行、草各體,汲古求新中可窺本門書學之法脈並展現中華傳統書道之美。 |
The Peak of Calligraphy,
Soaring Dragon “Xixuan” is the studio name of Mr. Jung Ping Yuan. Since he started teaching, he has held an annual calligraphy exhibition for his students as a form of encouragement. This year’s exhibition is named “The Peak of Calligraphy, Soaring Dragon,” which carries three meanings: 1. The height of calligraphy is like a peak to be aspired to; the practice of calligraphy is akin to climbing a mountain, with each character contributing to the summit. The metaphor suggests that with dedication, one can achieve great heights, much like a towering peak of calligraphy. 2. The spirit of calligraphy is like a dragon leaping through the gate of heaven; the movement of the brush is like a dragon soaring. The interplay between stillness and motion in calligraphy mirrors the balance of the dragon’s head and tail, embodying the essence of calligraphy. 3. In the auspicious Year of the Dragon, the students of Xixuan’s Calligraphy Class of the Jiachen Year have named this exhibition “The Peak of Calligraphy, Soaring Dragon,” with the hope that they will continue their studies with diligence and perseverance, ultimately reaching the pinnacle of the calligraphic art. The exhibited works were created by Mr. Jung Ping Yuan’s students, who have studied various classical scripts under his guidance. The contributors, listed in order of the strokes in their names, include Wang Yueming, Mi Kanghua (Denis Semirukhin), Wang Shenglu, Chen Yueting, Yuan Anrui (Andrey Danilov), Yuan Hairui (Maria Panina), Chen Yunru, Chen Liru, Mo Shi (Olga Obukhova), Zhang Peiyou, Zhang Ruijie, Peng Liwen, Huang Lina, Yang Sufang, Ye Yunzhen, Liu Hongzhi, and Lanzi. The exhibition showcases a variety of script styles, including seal, clerical, regular, running, and cursive scripts. These works reflect the lineage of this calligraphy school and exhibit the beauty of traditional Chinese calligraphy as they draw from the past and strive for innovation. |
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